Who is Josh Drew? Official Tyler Hadden reviews connection with Amber Heard’s neighbor on day of Johnny Depp’s penthouse occurrence

Who is Josh Drew? Official Tyler Hadden reviews connection with Amber Heard’s neighbor on day of Johnny Depp’s penthouse occurrence

On Wednesday, April 27, Officer Tyler Hadden talked about his cooperation with Joshua/Josh Drew in 2016 at the Johnny Depp v. Golden Heard preliminary in Virginia’s Fairfax County Courthouse. The cop from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) had answered a call about likely abusive behavior at home at Depp’s Eastern Columbia Building penthouse.

The official reviewed the occasions of May 21, 2016, when he had gone to Depp’s condo with individual official, Melissa Saenz. The last option was removed before the jury on Tuesday, April 26. Hadden referenced that he had addressed Depp’s neighbor at that point, rocky pennington Josh Drew, during the visit. Drew and his ex are purportedly companions with the Aquaman entertainer.

raquel pennington josh drew

In his testimony, LAPD Officer Tyler Hadden added that Drew had not been impending with data. He explained that he didn’t recollect having a particular discussion with the neighbor. raquel pennington josh drew

What was the association between Officer Tyler Hadden and Heard’s neighbor, rocky pennington Josh Drew?

During Depp’s 2020 claim against The Sun, Amber Heard’s previous neighbor Joshua Drew let the High Court know that Heard had not had any desire to document an objection to the officials. He said, raquel pennington josh drew

josh drew johnny depp

Joshua Drew iterated that the LAPD official had let him know that Depp’s red face at that point, alongside the harm in the condo, would empower them to keep the entertainer. Nonetheless, according to Drew’s memory of his cooperation with the official, Johnny Depp’s capture would have required an authority grumbling from his then-spouse Amber Heard. josh drew johnny depp

josh drew amber heard

At the 2020 preliminary, Johnny Depp (58) denied the cases and blamed Drew for teaming up with Heard (36) to foster this account. In the mean time, on Wednesday, April 27, Officer Hadden accentuated at least a few times that he had trusted Heard’s face to be more steady with indications of crying and not wounds at that point. josh drew amber heard

josh drew rocky pennington

At the 2020 testimony, Joshua Drew guaranteed that the male cop (apparently Officer Tyler Hadden) had let him know there was significant verification which would be sufficient to book Johnny Depp. Drew additionally expressed that he had found “a pool of red wine” in the passageway, alongside shards of broken glass and a gouge on the entryway.

josh drew amber heard

What is realized about Johnny Depp’s previous neighbor and Amber Heard’s companion, rocky pennington Josh Drew?

Joshua Drew and Raquel Pennington, his then-life partner, were the neighbors of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard around 2016 when the previous couple lived in the Eastern Columbia Building penthouse. Drew’s relationship with Heard was through his ex Pennington, josh drew rocky pennington. who is purportedly a drawn out companion of the entertainer starting around 2003.

At the hour of the occurrence in May 2016, Raquel Pennington had gotten a text from Heard at around eight soon after, which she had gone there. According to Drew’s cases, he had likewise been available once the police were involved.