Fintech startup Oxygen brings $17M up in Series A round

Fintech startup Oxygen brings M up in Series A round

Computerized financial startup ReliefClub Inc., which carries on with work as Oxygen, said today it has brought $17 million up in another round of subsidizing.

Runa Capital drove the Series A round, which likewise included cooperation from S7V,, EFG Hermes, Rucker Park and Inventures, as well as superstar and conspicuous fintech financial backers like Frank Strauss, of the Private and Commercial Bank for Deutsche Bank AG, Plaid Inc. prime supporter William Hockey, Ankur Nagpal, Peter Treadway and NFL wide beneficiary Larry Fitzgerald.

oxygen series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle has constructed a computerized financial stage and versatile application that it says offers adaptable monetary types of assistance to the individuals who have different revenue sources, provisional labor or independent working game plans.

The stage gives a full scope of banking administrations through its portable application, which runs on the two iOS and Android gadgets. It gives clients Mastercards and check cards and empowers them to send and get cash, apply for a virtual Visa, make installments in stores, apply for credits and perform different other banking-related errands straightforwardly from the application. As a little something extra for clients, oxygen series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle doesn’t charge month to month expenses, and that implies no overdraft, late or least equilibrium charges are forced.

Clients can browse an individual or business record, and they can top up their record any time by utilizing GreenDot areas at stores like Walmart or Walgreens. Oxygen has joined forces with Visa Inc. on its Fast Track program that empowers clients to profit from the span and security of Visa’s organization. It likewise use Visa’s continuous push installment arrangement Visa Direct to guarantee clients can be paid quick.

The organization sent off its administrations in January 2020 and says it has delighted in huge development in the previous year, halfway on account of the Covid pandemic. It guarantees in excess of 125,000 records have been opened, with a 969-times income increment, however it doesn’t give explicit numbers and that development is presumably off a little base.

“This venture approves what we’ve worked as well as empowers us to keep chasing after our vision of building monetary instruments that incorporate consistently with the computerized universe of today and joy our clients,” said oxygen series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle Chief Executive Hussein Ahmed. “We established Oxygen since we needed to offer monetary types of assistance similarly individuals associate with innovation in their regular day to day existences.”

Oxygen said it intends to go through the subsidizing to scale its group and deal new monetary items and administrations to clients to speed up its development.

Oxygen is the computerized bank startup that spotlights on supporting consultants and others with different floods of income raise $17 million Series A, drove by Runa Capital – Digital bank fire up ReliefClub, Inc., which exchanges as oxygen series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle has declared that they have raised $17million through the most recent round of subsidizing.

The advanced financial organization ReliefClub Inc., known as Oxygen, declared that the organization has raised $17 million through an extra round of capital.

Runa Capital drove the Series A round, which contained interest by S7V 1984.VC, EFG Hermes, Rucker Park, and Inventures, and prominent and popular fintech financial backers, like Frank Strauss, of the Private and Commercial Bank for Deutsche Bank AG, Plaid Inc. fellow benefactor William Hockey, Ankur Nagpal, Peter Treadway, and vast collector Larry Fitzgerald.


Oxygen has made an internet banking stage and portable application that offers adaptable monetary administrations to those with many kinds of revenue, agreements, or work from home.

The stage can give a total assortment of banking choices through portable application runs on the two iOS and Android contraptions. It permits clients to utilize charge and Visas with the capacity to move and get cash, apply for a virtual Mastercard, pay in retail locations, apply for credits, and do other banking-related works straightforwardly through the application. Also, oxygen series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle doesn’t charge clients month to month expenses, significance there are no late, overdraft, or least equilibrium charges. oxygen 17m series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle

Clients can choose either a business or an individual record. They can recharge their records whenever by utilizing GreenDot focuses at retailers like Walmart and Walgreens. Oxygen has united with Visa Inc. on its Fast Track program, empowering clients to exploit the security and arrive at that Visa’s organizations offer. The program additionally utilizes Visa’s continuous push installment framework Visa Direct to guarantee clients are paid rapidly. oxygen 17m series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle

The organization began its administration in January 2020.

It claims it has encountered gigantic development throughout the past year, generally due to the Covid plague. It guarantees that in excess of 125,000 records have been made, which is a 969-overlay development, yet it doesn’t give explicit figures and depends on the rear of a minuscule base. oxygen 17m series runa capitalwheatleysiliconangle

“This venture approves what we’ve worked as well as empowers us to keep chasing after our vision of building monetary instruments that coordinate consistently with the advanced universe of today and joy our clients,” said Oxygen Chief Executive Hussein Ahmed. “We established Oxygen since we needed to offer monetary types of assistance similarly individuals communicate with innovation in their daily existences.”

Oxygen has declared plans to use the cash to slope its staff and offer new monetary types of assistance and items for clients to accelerate its development.