Gussy Lau after the debate with Ángela Aguilar, returns with a directive for Pepe Aguilar

Gussy Lau after the debate with Ángela Aguilar, returns with a directive for Pepe Aguilar

Gussy Lau age

One month after the debate that shook the Aguilar line After the hole of a progression of photographs in which the supposed sentiment between Ángela Aguilar and Gussy Lau age was uncovered, the writer, who is 15 years more established than the vocalist, returned on informal communities.

On the event of the launch of the latest record material by Pepe Aguilar”To measure”, the fruitful arranger of the Mexican provincial devoted a close to home message to whoever was his chief and colleague.

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Gussy Lau edad featured on Instagram Stories that the single “Don’t converse with me about adoration” is his creation, with which implied that the business connection among him and the Aguilars was not impacted for the embarrassment as much was remarked.

Gussy Lau edad teamed up with Pepe Aguilar on his new collection

Photograph: Instagram @gussylau

“You need to pay attention to this collection now. ‘Try not to converse with me about affection’. This is perhaps of my best tune and it was extremely terrible for them, “composed the 33-year-old artist. gussy lau and angela aguilar

As of recently, Pepe Aguilar has not answered Gussy Lau’s message, not normal for how he did it with other people who complimented him, such is the situation of the messages he traded with Edén Muñoz, previous head of Caliber 50. angela aguilar y gussy lau beso

Pepe Aguilar debuted his new collection “A la measure”.

Photograph: Instagram @pepeaguilar_oficial

Ángela Aguilar would have gotten done with Gussy Lau edad. angela aguilar y gussy lau beso

For the time being It is obscure in the event that Ángela Aguilar actually has a close connection with Gussy Lau edad, Well, it is a subject that he has liked to keep hidden and center around his expert victories. In any case, in one of her latest introductions in Zacatecas, the mediator of “Any place I am” implied that she is no longer with the arranger.

Ángela Aguilar gets away from the contention with her expert achievement. gussy lau and angela aguilar

Photograph: Instagram @angela_aguilar_

gussy lau and angela aguilar

“My collection is called Mexicana fascinated, every one of the tunes are miserable, it would need to be called Mexicana, miserable and alone or

Mexicana, left and single… something to that effect,” she said, creating a progression of hypotheses. gussy lau and angela aguilar

Suggested video: This is the manner by which Ángela Aguilar responded to the spilling of her photographs